Shinies and sundries
Has it really been just over a week since my last post? So much has happened that it seems longer. First there was the trip to the emergency room on the night of the 22nd. Nothing life threatening but I now have a medical condition that could take months to recover from and has left me with a more or less constant headache among other things. Tylenol Extra Strength has been my steadfast companion since then. Then after only a few hours of sleep, it was off to visit my family for Christmas for a few days. That kind of put a damper on my mood but my family was pretty great about it, using the right mixture of concern and humor to make me feel better about it.
We came back home on Boxing Day and then just yesterday was my birthday. Due to some of the obvious physical signs of said medical condition, I haven’t felt like going out in public so eating at a restaurant like we had originally planned wasn’t in the cards. So we ordered in pizza and watched Star Trek: First Contact instead. Low key but I enjoyed it. Being born in the middle of the holiday season means that I’m used to not having large, crazy birthday parties anyways.
Other than the health problems, I’ve had a fairly good holiday. I got some great geeky/gaming loot, including some expansions for The Sims 3, Dragon Age: Inquisition, The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Steam credit, some awesome ThinkGeek gear, RiffTrax DVDs, and the Blu-Ray collection of Star Trek: TNG movies. I was also happy to see that people enjoyed the gifts I bought them, especially the computer that I built for my parents (I’ll have to write a post about that later).
Onto in-game loot, The Sims 4 got a free Holiday Celebration Pack which I’ve downloaded but haven’t played yet. It’s hard to play The Sims 4 when the Sims 3 has all these expansions and the open neighborhoods.
Wurm Online always gives away presents to premium characters every year, and this year it was a yule goat. Some people were complaining about their “uselessness” but I think they’re cute and they’re free gifts anyways. I lined my three up in front of the “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree next to my token. You can see the (slow) progress I’ve been making on the hall in the background.
I hope everyone else is having a great holiday and is able to fit in some relaxation/gaming between all the celebrations. You’ll likely hear from me again before the new year. Until then!