Project Ozone 2 progress: The End (Part 3)
Originally this was just suppose to be a single post but after it became ridiculously long, I decided to split it into 3 parts.
When I was finishing up the last of my decoration projects at the base, Lord Crumb told me that he had the idea to build a village near the base. He had already flattened and portioned a good-sized piece of land, and had laid out a couple of structures. So once I was done my projects, I went to help him out on the village so we can have it done before Froggy and Phenix came to record their video.
Here’s what all the buildings ended up looking like.
Power station (by Lord Crumb)
Burned-out home (by Lord Crumb)
Modern house with pool (by Faeldray)
Tinkerer/engineer’s house (by Faeldray)
Botania/alchemy house (by Faeldray)
Dirt house (by Lord Crumb)
Gold pyramid (by Lord Crumb)
Modern angled house (by Lord Crumb)
Black tower (by Lord Crumb)
Modern house with farm (by Faeldray)
And that is it! We’ve declared ourselves done with Project Ozone. So we have bid a fond adieu to the modpack and moved on to new interesting projects.
The town and your base are amazing. You two did a fantastic job and should be proud. I’m pretty jealous of these creations.
That was pretty funny with the doll house basement. Sorry Fael, Lord crumb got me with that. XD
I’ve noticed a lot of snacks hidden away. Are you part squirrel? >.>
Love how you showed the burnt house, then you’re lovely houses, then crumbs dirt house. Made me wonder who’s the creative genius behind it all… But then up came the pyramid and black tower and said, ah there’s where he spent his time. 🙂
You guys did amazing work.
Thanks! It was a lot of work, let me tell you.
I laughed when I saw the basement too, although I did say that Froggy and Phenix, who hadn’t even met him yet, might find it a little creepy. They were good sports about it though and in the last video of the tour, Froggy told the hilarious story of her reaction.
You have to have easy access to snacks, that way it’s easier to eat them. >.> I think I mostly liked the fact that we could actually display foods in different ways for once so I decided to use them.
The first thing Lord Crumb built was his burnt house, and then I went and built all these fancy houses after. Then he built his other houses and finished with the dirt house because he ran out of ideas/got tired of building. I thought it was perfect so I said he should definitely keep it.