Look ma, I’m a video game music DJ!
[Blaugust Day 10] One day when Lord Crumb and I were chatting while I was listening to a video game soundtrack. He could hear a little of it through the microphone and asked what I was listening to. This lead…
Tune Den: The Fall
Back in October, I wrote a post about how great I thought The Fall was, so you can imagine my delight when the official soundtrack was released on Steam! The music is a mixture of eeriness and mechanical/electronic sounds, which…
Tune Den: A Story About My Uncle
A Story About My Uncle does not have weapons, armor, or any shiny loots. You do not play a grand adventurer, a hero or villain changing the world. You play as a young boy searching for his missing uncle, armed…
Tune Den: Wurm Online
With the amount of Wurm Online-related posts I make, I think we all knew this was going to come eventually. I mentioned briefly that I almost never turn off in-game music when I’m playing. Wurm Online is the one exception…
Tune Den: Baba Yetu
Following the “lair” theme of my Cave Clutter posts, I’d like to introduce a new type of post: the Tune Den. Get it? Tuned In? Anyways… “What are these posts all about?” Well I’m glad you asked, reader who only…