Posts Tagged Updates

Oh look, another “sorry I’ve been gone so long” post

Let’s be honest, I’ve written this sort of post more times than I care to remember (and I’m not going to self-flagellate myself by going back to look for them). I do feel bad when I haven’t posted for a…

January 25, 2017 No comments

Blaugust was a bust

Given the fact that this is my first post in over a month, it’s apparent that Blaugust 2016 did not turn out the way I had hoped. Remember how when I started, I mentioned briefly that it may be too…

September 11, 2016 No comments

Dealing with the aftermath

I wish I could tell you that the reason I’ve been so quiet is because I’ve recovered completely from carpal tunnel and have been binge-playing games like a mad woman. Unfortunately, that’s not how things are. Technically the nerve damage…

January 31, 2016 No comments

Happy holidays!

Just wanted to say that no matter what you celebrate (or don’t celebrate), I hope you all are having a great holiday (or just a great Friday). Here’s a picture of my dog Zephyr enjoying a good dig through the…

December 25, 2015 No comments

Carpal tunnel and castles

I realize that you haven’t heard much from me since the end of October but for a very good reason. Long story short, I was mostly refraining from using the computer due to the carpal tunnel. Now I’m back at…

December 16, 2015 No comments

A health update. Also, England!

I’m technically suppose to avoid typing on my phone so I’ll try to keep this brief. The bad news is that my carpal tunnel got worse so I went to a doctor who found out I have a B12 deficiency…

October 29, 2015 No comments